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Adelaide Memorial Church
By admin •
April 29th, 2010
Adelaide Memorial Church

11. Adelaide Memorial ChurchThis church was raised by John Duguid of Dover, England, in memory of his wifeAdelaide and his daughter Constance who was killed in a riding accident whilevisiting friends in Myshall. Described as an architectural gem, it was designedby George Coppinger Ashlin, one of the foremost architects in the country as aminiature of Salisbury Cathedral in England. It stands in beautifully maintainedgrounds, accessed by a yew-lined drive.
The memorial statue of ‘Innocence’ carved from Sicilian marble commemoratesConstance, and in fact it was the sculpture’s inability to withstand the harsh Irishweather in its original outdoor location that prompted John Duguid to build theAdelaide church protectively around it.
No surface in the building was left unadorned and delicate carving can be foundeverywhere and especially on the Bathstone which lines the interior. Trefoil designspredominate apart from the panels near the mausoleum where John, Adelaide andConstance Duguid are buried. Here the English rose and Scottish thistle are found;(Mr. Duguid was of Scotch descent, his wife was English).
The finest materials were used everywhere. Behind the altar is a luminous frescodepicting The Last Supper, adapted from Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting at Milan.The church was consecrated in September 1913 and continues, under the name ofThe Church of Christ the Redeemer, to provide a beautiful place of worship for the local Church of Ireland community.

Open: Key available locally from Mrs. Bridie Daley, white bungalow opposite church grounds.
T: 059 915 7671 | Admission: Free | Parking: Yes, in the village 9 Directions to the next site: Continue on R724 in direction of Kildavin for 5.5km. Cranavane Well is on the left hand side of the road (signposted). Distance 5.5km.
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