
Antae Projections of the side walls of early churches to support roof timbers.
Ashlar Masonry comprised of squared stones.
Barn-church Church built to a simple T plan with a large internal space. This style was often used by the Catholic Church in the early nineteenth-century.
Bullaun Stone Stone with man-made circular depressions usually found near early church sites. Various functions have been suggested for these stones, some ritual and some associated with metal-working or grinding of corn.
Catholic Emancipation The repeal of the discriminatory Penal Laws which was completed by 1829.
Chancel The eastern part of a church, usually where the main altar is situated.
Choir Part of church commonly occupied by singers, situated between the nave and the chancel.
Crennelation Notched parapets, resembling those on a stone castle.
Crossing The intersection of transepts and nave.
First Fruits Church A Church of Ireland church whose building was financed by the Board of First Fruits established largely through the influence of Jonathan Swift (1667–1745).
Gothic Style of architecture, originating in the middle ages, characterised by pointed arches. When used in more recent times, it is described as neo-Gothic or Gothic revival.
Nave The main aisle of a church, occupied by the congregation
Ogham Stone Stone bearing inscription in ancient Celtic alphabet comprising straight lines
Oratory Chapel or other place for private prayer
Patron or pattern day Day on which graves are visited and mass celebrated in graveyards.
Penal Laws Legislation passed between 1695 and 1728 which severely curtailed the practice of the Catholic religion in Ireland and the participation of Catholics in public life.
Quakers Popular name for a group of Christians who use no scripture and believe in a simple, pacifist lifestyle. They call themselves The Society of Friends.
Quatre-foil Open-work design or ornament divided into four lobes
Reredos A screen or panel behind an altar
Rib Vault An arched roof or ceiling in which the surface is divided into webs by a framework of diagonal arched masonry ribs.
Romanesque Style of early medieval architecture characterised by round arches. Sometimes called ‘Norman.’
Sedilia Seats for clergy on the south side of the chancel, often located in niches.
Single-cell church Simple structure without aisles or projections
Trefoil Three-lobed form of ornamentation, especially in tracery